Do you provide hosting?

No, we don’t. Here at Red Ape Media, we are experts in developing and designing websites that will boost your company’s visibility and sales online. We do not sell hosting services directly, but we do have relationships with several of the most reputable companies in the industry. Through this, we can guarantee that your website’s foundation is solid from the get-go.

Hosting can be thought of as providing a “home” on the World Wide Web for your website. Like renting office space, this ensures that your website will be visible to everyone on the internet. When it comes to keeping your site live and accessible to visitors, your host is on it, so you can focus on making it look and perform its best. The ideal hosting solution for your company will be determined through collaboration between our team and yours and our hosting partners. This means, you can put your website in capable hands and concentrate on expanding your company. Learn about our Web Design & Development Services.