What is a content management system (CMS)

A content management system, also commonly called a CMS, is software that allows non-technical users to conveniently add to, edit or manage a website. It means you and your authorized staff can have full control of your website 24/7, so you can update images, text, products, or promotions whenever desired, without having to rely on designers or developers.

As an added bonus, it reduces the amount of effort and money needed to keep a website running well. Wordpress, Webflow and CloudCannon are just a few examples of the various content management systems out there, and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Choose the best content management system (CMS) for your company and learn how to use it to its full potential with the assistance of Red Ape Media. You can keep your website fresh and interesting for visitors by using a CMS, which gives you a lot of control over the process. Red Ape Media will help assess your needs and help determine if a CMS is right for you. Learn about our Web Design & Development Services.